Erin Zimmerman, Think Tanks and non-traditional security: governance entrepreneurs in Asia (Palgrave Mcmilan, 2016) Pp. 213.


The ever growing progress in globalization and regionalization has caused challenges for both the nature of security in Asia and the governance of states. Espoused with liberalization and democratization in several Asian states, they have also borne the impact of the ongoing security threats. The influence of the non-state actors has increased manifold and has evaded the characteristic of state-centric security precept. “states in the region increasingly found their attention drawn to trans-boundary sources of insecurity stemming from economic, political, social or environmental factors”( P.4).

Nonetheless, states still retain their primacy and make it essential to act in solidarity.  The cross boundary cooperation and cross- regional integration to counter trans- national terrorism and trans-national threats has become essential.

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