Report – Public Talk on “Indus Water Treaty and Water Security”


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized a Public Talk titled, “Indus Water Treaty and Water Security” on June 18, 2019. Syed Mehr Ali Shah, Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters, was the guest speaker at the occasion.

Welcoming the speaker and guests, Director General, ISSI Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, said that water is life and it has been observed that over the course of history, human settlement have grown around the sources of fresh water, mainly rivers. He acknowledged the fact that the Indus River System (IRS) is a life line for Pakistan and nature has endowed Pakistan with plenty of fresh water. Despite having the world`s largest glaciers, Pakistan is among the world`s 36most water stressed countries. The Pakistan`s Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) has warned that unless timely measures are taken, the country will run out of water by 2025. The World Bank too has cautioned that Pakistan is moving from a water stressed country to becoming a water scarce country.

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