Strategic Studies (Vol. 37, Autumn 2017, No. 3)

Modi’s Kashmir Policy: The Probable Consequence for the Security of
South Asia
Khurshid Khan and
Pervaiz Iqbal Cheem
 Pak-Afghan Border: A Case Study of Border Management Amina Khan
India’s Membership of Missile Technology Control Regime: Implications for South Asia Ghazala Yasmin Jalil
Pakistan-China Relations: Developments in Economic and Security Areas in the 21st Century Minhas Majeed Khan and Mirwais Kasi
CPEC: Prospects of OBOR and South-South Cooperation
Ume Farwa and
Arhama Siddiqa
Central Asia’s Quest for Warm Waters: From the Caspian Sea to Gwadar Port Ansar Jamil
Indian Interference in Balochistan: Analysing the Evidence and Implications for Pakistan Mir Sherbaz Khetran
Geopolitical Significance of Balochistan: Interplay of Foreign Actors Ali Zaman Shah
Presidential Change in the US: Implications for Pakistan Sarah Akram
Pakistan’s Strategy of Countering Violent Extremism: Need for Soft Power Asad ullah Khan
Book Reviews
The New Great Game: China and South and Central Asia in the Era of Reform, Thomas Finger, ed. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016). Ahmad Rashid Malik
India Pakistan Nuclear Diplomacy: Constructivism and the Prospects for Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament in South Asia, Mario E Carranza (London: Rowman & Littlefield: 2016).  Malik Qasim Mustafa


Stigmatised from 9/11 to Trump and Beyond: A American Muslim Journey, Reza Mansoor (Create Space Independent Publishing Platform: 2016).  Mahrukh Khan
The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World in Decline, Jonathan Tepperman (New York: Tim Duggan Books: 2016). Shamsa Nawaz