Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue
Home Authors Posts by Areeba Arif

Areeba Arif

Research Associate

Areas of Research:

Africa: South, East and Central Africa

Areeba Arif Khan works as a Research Associate at Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East. She earned her Masters in International Relations from National University of Modern Languages Islamabad i9n 2016 and currently pursuing her M. Phil from National Defence University (NDU).


Report: In-House meeting on “Bangladesh Media Delegation”

The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted an In-house Meeting with a 7-member Bangladesh Media Delegation on March 22, 2017. The delegation included ...

Issue Brief on “13th Economic Cooperation Organization Summit: Harbinger for Regional Connectivity”

The 13th Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) Summit meeting was held in Islamabad on March 1, 2017 under the theme of “Connectivity for Regional Prosperity”...

Issue Brief on “The Collapse of Trans Pacific Partnership”

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the largest regional trade accord in history. It was signed by twelve countries in February 2016. The signatory...

Issue Brief on “Yemen: The Escalating War”

Recently, the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Houthis took a very dangerous turn when the Houthi rebels launched a long range ballistic missile over...

The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East Juan...

The book, The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East, is authored by Juan Cole. The book comprises of eight...

Issue Brief on “Enhancing Pakistan’s Global Profile and Influence: Priorities and Policy Options”

The global profile of a state is reflected through various elements of national power. This includes its military, economy, demography, social structure, technological advancement,...

Issue Brief on “The Renewed Role of Azad Jammu & Kashmir in the Resolution...

Situation of chaos and violence prevails in Kashmir after the death of Burhan Muzaffar Wani, a freedom fighter.  The unrest is a major setback...

Issue Brief on “Gawadar and Chabahar: Implications for the Region”

Gawadar and Chabahar have unique geostrategic and geopolitical features and should ideally develop as sister ports. Both ports are situated near the Strait of...

CPEC: Prospects for Pak-Iran economic relations

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is rapidly becoming a source of national integration, economic prosperity and regional stability. The corridor is poised to play...