Press Release – ISSI holds IHD on “Pakistan’s Role as an Elected Member of the UNSC (2025-2026)”


Press Release
ISSI holds IHD on “Pakistan’s Role as an Elected Member of the UNSC (2025-2026)”

The Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized an In-House Discussion on “Pakistan’s Role as an Elected Member of the UNSC (2025-2026).” Eminent practitioners and academics participated in the event.

In his welcome remarks, Director General ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood highlighted the twin processes of turbulence and transformation in the global geopolitical landscape and the responsibility resting with members of the UN Security Council for rightfully fulfilling its mandate of maintaining international peace and security. He alluded to Pakistan’s Security Council experience from the previous 7 terms, its core interests and priorities in the evolving global and regional environment, and its commitment to enhancing the role of Elected Members (E-10) and bridge-building amidst complex geo-politics.

During the discussion, participants emphasized the importance of Pakistan constructively engaging in Council deliberations and making positive contributions – including through upholding international law and the UN Charter; supporting the right of self-determination; stressing the implementation of UNSC resolutions; advocating the pacific settlement of disputes; increasing the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures; and strengthening the multi-dimensional peacekeeping under UN auspices.  Pakistan’s long-standing contributions to UN peacekeeping operations were highlighted as a source of national pride and a vital aspect of its global responsibilities. Additionally, participants emphasized the importance of utilizing the UNSC platform to foster closer collaboration among the E-10 as well as positive outreach to P-5 to help facilitate common ground on divisive issues.

Another key focus was preparing for future items on the UNSC agenda with strategic clarity and foresight, particularly given the rapidly evolving dynamics globally and in several regions. The discussion concluded with a shared understanding that the UNSC membership offers Pakistan an excellent opportunity to help address pressing global challenges, advocate for the aspirations of developing nations, and uphold its commitment to international law and the UN Charter.