Press Release
Meeting between
Centre for Strategic Perspectives, ISSI
Area Study Centre for North and South America,& Africa,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

The Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP), Institute for Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a meeting with the Dean and faculty members, Area Study Centre (ASC) for North and South America and Africa, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Members from the Area Study Centre included: Dr. Nazir Hussain, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), QAU, Dr. Sadia Suleman, Incharge, Area Study Centre and faculty members Dr. Brahmand Shah, Dr. Tahir Jamil, Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa, Dr. Munawar Hussain and Ms. Sarah Ahsan, Senior Research Fellow at the ASC.
Director General ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, in his welcome remarks, briefly introduced the working of the Institute and explained its scope, various functions and activities. Dr. Nazir Hussain in his remarks informed the participants about the activities and oublication of ASC, and said that ASC will be soon resuming its US-Pakistan Annual Conference in collaboration with the US Embassy and Ball State University. He invited CSP to participate in the conference.
Dr. Sadia Suleman, in her remarks stated that the Centre is trying to add a new dimension to its activities by looking for new avenues and also by enhancing the capacity building of its students. She identified core areas in which the ASC would like to engage with ISSI. These include: engagement of students with ISSI via internships, access of the ISSI library and participation of students in talks and events at the ISSI. She also proposed mutual research between ASC faculty and ISSI research team in the shape of joint publications and also sharing of resources. She emphasised on joint events and closer cooperation and coordination between the ASC and CSP. Dr. Sadia said that both the Centres will soon be entering into a formal memorandum of understanding for joint collaboration.