Strategic Studies (Vol. 39, Winter 2019, No. 4)

Sino-US Trade War: Foreseeable Impact on Pakistan
Mian Ahmad Naeem Salik
Monetisation of Fake News in the Cyber Domain: A Roadmap for Building Domestic and International Cyber ResilienceUsama Nizamani
Growing Reliance on Tactical Nuclear Weapons: A Case Study of US, Russia and Pakistan
Muhammad Naveed Qaisar and Amjad Abbas Khan
Pakistan-US Relations: Rethinking the Dependency RelationshipMahrukh Khan
Politics of Economic Corridors in South Asia
Areeba Arif
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Dynamics of Regional Connectivity: Prospects and ChallengesA Z Hilali
Book Reviews 
The Line of Control, Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies, Jacob, Happymon. India: Penguin Random House, 2018, 188.Mahwish Hafeez

Why Counterinsurgency Fails: The US in Iraq and Afghanistan, Tray, Dennis de. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 133.Mir Sherbaz Khetran

Pakistan Under Siege, Afzal, Madiha. Penguin India Press: 2018, 192.Asad Ullah Khan