Press Release – Lecture by Director General ISSI to the Pak- Afghan Youth Forum


Press Release

Lecture by Director General ISSI to the Pak- Afghan Youth Forum

October 29, 2020

The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) held a lecture by the Director General ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chahudhry to the Pak-Afghan Youth Forum (PAYF) today.  Salman Javed, Director PYAF was also in attendance. Over fifty students and journalists from the PAYF participated in the event.

Director Centre for Middle East, Africa & Afghanistan, Ms Amina Khan first introduced the Institute’s workings to the participants.

During his remarks, Ambassador Aizaz stated that Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan are of critical importance. No countries are closer in ethnicity and faith than Pakistan and Afghanistan and it is only natural for people of Pakistan to be deeply desirous of the prosperity for the people of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the recent cycle of geo-politics in the region, the violence of which we continue to experience even today, came about forty years ago when Soviet forces came into Afghanistan. The pursuit of a military solution in Afghanistan resulted in a stalemate until two years ago when the present phase of the peace process started. This, he said, should hopefully lead to a stable government in Afghanistan and a good mutually beneficial relationship of Afghanistan with all of its neighbours. 

Speaking about the role of Pakistan in the peace process in Afghanistan, Ambassador Aizaz said Pakistan has been equally affected from the war as Afghanistan. He stated that it is important that an enabling environment is created for peace talks to succeed. He also underscored the golden opportunity that the Afghans now had to secure peace in their country which is why Pakistan is facilitating peace in Afghanistan in all and every manner it can. We are at a fortunate time when all major powers are interested in seeing peace in Afghanistan. A regional consensus and good Pakistan- Afghanistan bilateral relations is a good formula for success, Ambassador Aizaz concluded.

An interactive question answer session followed the lecture.