Press Release – Roundtable with Delegation of Al-Quds Parliament


Press Release

Delegation of Al-Quds Parliament
June 26, 2019

“Palestine calls for a strategic solution as it is not a problem of the Muslim countries only, but of the world. Peace in the world hinges upon the peace for Palestine and its people. We are here, in Pakistan, as it always stood for the cause of Palestine and, as a part of our efforts to enhance coordination among the parliaments of the world for raising a united voice.

This was stated by President of Al-Quds Parliament, Mr. Hamid Abdullah Hussein Al-Ahmer at a roundtable discussion organized by the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) on June 26, 2019. Mr. Al-Ahmer was heading a 4-member delegation from Al-Quds Parliament including: Sayed Abu Musameh, Member of Board; Mr. Jarallah Bachir, General Director; and Mr. Abeadallah Elbelti, General Coordinator of Relation. The roundtable had an august gathering including Senator Nuzhat Sadiq; Ambassador Arif Kamal; Mr. Asif Luqman, human rights activist; AVM (Retd) Faiz Amir, VC Air University; Ambassador Ali Sarwar Naqvi, Executive Director CISS; and Dr. Fuad Ahmed.

Mr. Hamid Abdullah Hussein Al-Ahmer said that the Palestine issue is still unresolved because the Muslim states and the supporting voices in the world are not united. Therefore, we are visiting various capitals of the world to build a consensus among the world parliaments on this very critical issue of regional and global peace. As of now, he informed, we have visited 30 parliaments and organized two international conferences in which a large number of representatives from 60 parliaments across the world participated. In the world, especially in Europe and the US, Israeli lobby is proactively working to legitimize its atrocities in Palestine. Even worse, he stressed, the Muslim world is not united against the Zionist forces and the champions of liberalism and human rights are giving every support to Israel. Tragic as it is, we are not disappointed, rather our resolve and determination have become even stronger. He informed the participants that the Al-Quds parliament plans to hold a major conference and Solidarity day in Malaysia this year, for which Prime Minister Mahatir has graciously agreed.

Earlier in his welcome remarks, Director General ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry lamented that news coming from Palestine is very tragic and grim. For a century, DG stated, Israel has been usurping the rights of the people of Palestine and obliterating the Islamic legacy of Al-Quds with no regard for international law. Ambassador Chaudhry further said that the decision by the Trump administration to shift the US Embassy to Jerusalem, recognition of the Golan Heights in Syria as a part of Israel, and its propagation of the “Deal of the Century” are all  steps that should be of concern for the Muslim world.

The participants at the roundtable reiterated that Pakistan has great affection for Al-Quds Sharif, Palestine and its people. They equivocally  lent support to the rights of the Palestinians, and said that Pakistani people have always stood for Palestine irrespective of their ideological and political affiliations. Establishing contacts with the parliaments in the world is a welcoming development amidst the rhetoric of peace talks. However, the internal factions  in Palestine must stand united in order to secure success.

In his concluding remarks, Chairman ISSI, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood said that, like UN resolutions on Kashmir, resolutions on Palestine remain unimplemented. There are many factors behind it, but we must remain persistent. He reiterated that there is a complete national consensus in Pakistan for the cause of Palestine.