The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World in Decline, Jonathan Tepperman (New York: Tim Duggan Books: 2016).


The world is empowered with gloom due to certain alarming trends. Both the global and national problems seem insurmountable since bad information is processed more thoroughly than good. Hence, the news shared is more provocative and unconventional. The answers are also hidden from plain sight. Roy F Baumeister explains it a loss aversion in which, on average, loss     es hurt twice as much as gains are felt good and bad is much more strong than good. However, the causes are not dissected with precision.

Teppermann recognises this dilemma in his book with precision. He describes promotion of pessimism as a saleable ingredient. He identifies 10 problems in his book which are unyielding for most of the countries. Amongst those are immigration, income inequality, corruption and Islamic extremism. He has also accounted world political acrimonies between the good and the bad due to shallow policies which have led to the making of rebellion against the International System. Al-Qaeda and Daesh are the eventualities of these erroneous policies. According to the Economic Outlook 2015, by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation Development (OECD), the world’s economic growth has fallen down from 7.4 per cent in 2010 to 3.8 per cent in 2015.

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