Book Launch: “Pakistan and a World in Disorder: A Grand Strategy for the 21st Century” (Press Release)


Press Release

Book Launch of
“Pakistan and a World in Disorder: A Grand Strategy for the 21st Century”

Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad
January 25, 2017

The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI), organised launch of the book ‘Pakistan and a World in Disorder: A Grand Strategy for the 21st Century’ by Ambassador Javid Husain and published by Palgrave Macmillan. The launch was addressed by Ambassador Riaz H. Khokhar, former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan; Ambassador Riaz M. Khan, former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador M. Akram Zaki, former Secretary General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan. The book describes the role that Pakistan should play in the largely chaotic world of the twenty-first century in order to best serve the country’s long-term national interests. Its main aim is to lay down the parameters within which Pakistan’s grand strategy should be formulated, taking into account the evolving global and regional security environment and Pakistan’s historical experience. The book launch was attended by foreign diplomats, scholars, journalists and students.

Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman of the Board of Governors ISSI, introduced the author and applauded the comprehensive overview of the challenges facing Pakistan in the contemporary context citing that the book was of immense regional, global and strategic significance and provides an in-depth analysis and critical evaluation of the past record of Pakistan’s foreign policy and highlights its successes and failures, strengths and weaknesses.

Ambassador Riaz H. Khokhar, former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan praised the efforts of the author and said that this book makes a significant addition to the existing knowledge about Pakistan’s foreign policy. He cited the book as timely and relevant. He praised the author’s pragmatic and objective approach in pointing out the flaws in Pakistan’s foreign policy and stated that the ‘grand national strategy’ recipe recommended by the author is important because there is a significant relationship between internal and external policy of a country which requires clarity and strong will on part of the Pakistani leadership.

Ambassador Riaz M. Khan, former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan lauded the extensive research by the author and said that this book breaks new ground by providing officials, researchers, scholars and students with new insights. He stated that it was a veritable lift to all those interested in understanding Pakistan’s foreign policy because it covers Pakistan’s challenges and frames a road map all the while highlighting all aspects of relevance and importance. He said that the book offers substantive data and applauded the author’s judicious, forthright evaluation.

Ambassador M. Akram Zaki, former Secretary General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan highlighted the chapter on regional cooperation and how it has demonstrated a clear contrast between success of regionalism in Europe and South Asia and agreed that the ECO could be used as a strong regional platform for economic integration.

Ambassador Javid Husain , author of the book talked about how his proposed approach requires synthesis of  Pakistan’s political, economic, diplomatic and security policies into one grand strategy which he said would be a marked departure from the prevalent uni-dimensional strategy. He also noted that  this approach would require different institutions to integrate and create institutional frameworks and stressed on the importance of economic development  for ensuring long term security. The Ambassador highlighted  how the adoption of a low risk and non-adventurous foreign policy would lead to peace in the neighbourhood and ensure that resources are allocated towards economic development.