Visit of a delegation from China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Press Release


A four-member delegation from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Beijing, held an in-house meeting with the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) today.

The delegation included: Mr. Ji Zhiye, President, CICIR; Dr Hu Shisheng, Director of South Asia, CICIR; Mr. Li Wei, Researcher working on terrorism issues at CICIR, and Ms. Li Xin, Coordinator in Academic Exchange Program & Translator at CICIR.

The discussion revolved around two main points: the peace process in Afghanistan, and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The delegation pointed out that a trilateral cooperation between Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan is essential for promotion of reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan, and tackling the threats by terrorist organizations operating on the borders between the three countries.

It was highlighted that CPEC is not simply a road, but a comprehensive plan to build a network of industrial zones, and constructing new energy houses to meet the growing demand of electricity in Pakistan. The project is not just economic, but a part of wider strategic cooperation between Pakistan and China. It was suggested that think tanks like ISSI and CICIR have a lot of work to do to help the people within and outside Pakistan understand the benefits of CPEC.

 Ahmad RM & Sarah A/032015