PRESS RELEASE – “Pakistan Stands with Kashmiris”


“Pakistan Stands with Kashmiris”
February 4, 2021

“We will not let the world forget about Kashmir”. This was stated by the President Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi during the seminar titled “Pakistan Stands with Kashmiris”.This seminar was organised in lieu of the Kashmir solidarity day by the India Study Centre at the Institute of Strategic Studies in collaboration with National Security Division at Presidency on February 4, 2021.

The occasion was graced by the President Dr, Arif Alvi as the Chief Guest whereas, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Dr. Moeed Yusuf, Special Assistant to PM on National Security, Ms. Mushaal Mullick, Chairperson, Peace and Culture Organization/Human rights activist, and Mr. Ahmad Qureshi, Executive Director, YFK International Kashmir Lobby Group also shared their views during the course of seminar.

Addressing the gathering, the President said that Kashmiri struggle dates back to the Dogra Raj when Kashmir was sold for Rs. 7.5 million. He said that it is Pakistan’s duty to support the Kashmiris and remind the world what has been promised to the people of Kashmir. There are numerous UN resolutions that ensured impartial plebiscite so that Kashmiri people could decide their future. Pakistan too, believing in the UN and the world agreed to ceasefire but then India gradually moved away.

He urged the world community to understand that India is an irresponsible state. It is a belligerent state which during the election season can attack a neighbouring country so as to get greater share of Indian votes. He also urged the International community and particularly media to play its due role. He highlighted the fact that India does not allow international media to visit the part of Kashmir that is under its illegal occupation whereas, there are no such restriction imposed by Pakistan. International media is free to move anywhere in Azad Kashmir. He also encouraged the Kashmiri people and said that Pakistan stands with Kashmiris and Kashmir’s liberty is not far away.

Speaking at the occasion, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that India has been fully exposed in front of the international community. But, despite the global condemnation, India has not corrected its course. On one hand, it continues its repressive and illegal occupation of Illegally Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and on the other hand, its political and military leaders continue hostility towards Pakistan. The recently released Disinfo Lab report is a testament of India’s nefarious designs towards Pakistan. He emphasised that the international community cannot look away when millions of people facing the threat of genocide.

Dr. Moeed Yusuf highlighted that there is more and more intolerance in India and vigilantism is celebrated. Champions of human rights do not seem to care much about Kashmiri lives. Pakistan desires peace and would welcome if there is any serious effort to resolve this issue. However, Pakistan’s desire for peace should not be taken as a sign of weakness.

Ms. Mushaal Mullick said that what we see in Kashmir are not only individual acts of brutality but have state patronage. Earlier the Kashmiri people were struggling against the occupation but now, Indian people can also go to Kashmir to make it a mini India. Kashmiris have become refugees in their own land.

Mr. Ahmad Qureshi said that people of Pakistan and Kashmir are not enemies of India as we want peace. It is India’s failure to show magnanimity that a large country can afford to show. He expressed his optimism saying that there has been a positive change in the international discourse as now “K” word is no more a taboo.

Earlier, the Director General ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said that people of Pakistan feel the pain of the Kashmiri people. Not only the UN Security Council resolutions have been wilfully ignored by India but in 2019, this illegality touched a new low and now efforts are being made to change the demography of Kashmir. He expressed the resolve of the government and the people of Pakistan to stand with their Kashmiri brethren.