1. | India Quietly Launches Its 4th Nuclear-Powered Submarine; Ex-Project Director Called 1st Nuke Sub A “Historic Milestone”
https://www.eurasiantimes.com/as-5-eyes-countries-mount-pressure/ |
2. | Pakistan rejects fissile material ban
https://tribune.com.pk/story/2504686/pakistan-rejects-fissile-material-ban#google_vignette |
3. | Russia Calls US Statements on Readiness for Nuclear Talks ‘Deception’ |
4. | Zelenskyy: We Need NATO or Nukes … and We Want NATO
https://www.politico.eu/article/nato-nukes-volodymyr-zelenskyy-war-ukraine-aid-russia/ |
5. | Putin Says Russia Won’t Let Ukraine Obtain Nuclear Weapons |
6. | China’s Xi Urges Missile Troops to Boost Deterrence, Combat Capabilities |
7. | UK and Germany to sign landmark ‘defence’ treaty |
8. | Australia announces $4.7 billion purchase of US air defense missiles |
9. | US missile deployment to Philippines ‘incredibly important’ for combat readiness, US general says |
10. | Iran submits protest note to IAEA over Israeli threats to nuclear sites |
11. | Japan, UK, Italy agree to step up development of next-generation fighter jet |
12. | Iran, Russia, Oman conduct joint naval drills in Indian Ocean
https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/iran-russia-oman-conduct-joint-naval-drills-in-indian-ocean-/3367785 |
13. | Russia, Indonesia to hold first-ever joint military drill |
14. | BRICS members set to increase nuclear energy cooperation
https://world-nuclear-news.org/articles/brics-members-set-to-increase-nuclear-energy-cooperation |
With Warm Regards,
Arms Control & Disarmament Centre (ACDC)
Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI)
Sector F-5/2, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan