ACDC Special Report on “Comprehensive National Security and Emerging Technologies”


Introduction of ACDC

The Arms Control and Disarmament Centre (ACDC), which is a part of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), was established on October 30, 2019, under the leadership of Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI. Mr Sohail Mahmood, Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, inaugurated the Centre.

The ACDC was established with a vision “to contribute focused research and quality policy input through in-depth analysis and dialogue on issues of arms control, disarmament, nuclear safety and security, nuclear deterrence, emerging technologies and challenges to peace and strategic stability.”

The ACDC performs the following key functions:

Monitor regional and international developments pertaining to strategic stability, disarmament, non-proliferation, arms control and related domains.

Organise dialogues in the form of in-house meetings, roundtable discussions, national and international seminars, conferences and workshops and book launches on themes of relevance to Pakistan.

Disseminate information through research projects, special reports, magazines, newsletters, info-graphs, electronic flyers and electronic and social media tools.

Provide quality policy inputs to the government and relevant official departments to promote and strengthen Pakistan’s narrative on nuclear issues and arms control and disarmament. Maintain database and contacts with relevant official organisations, similar national and international think tanks, institutions and centres.

For overall guidance, policy directions, preparation of the annual Programme of Work and annual performance review, the ACDC has constituted its Advisory Board, which is comprised of representatives of government and official organisations, academia, think tanks, former diplomats and officials and experts.

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