Strategic Perspectives Through Research and Dialogue

Seminar: Pakistan Media

The Institute is organizing a Seminar on the Subject: "Pakistan Media: Impact on Society and Foreign and Security Policy".

In House Meeting with the Delegation from Myanmar

In House Meeting with the Delegation of Myanmar on March 02, 2011.

Challenges in US-Pakistan Relations

Public Talk on "Challenges in US-Pakistan Relations". Speaker from The Middle East Institute, Washington DC on Wednesday, March 09, 2011

In House Meeting

In House Meeting with the Delegation from Rockefeller Brothers Fund on March 14, 2011.

Pakistan: Beyond the ‘Crisis State’

Half day Seminar on "Pakistan: Beyond the 'Crisis State' ", a book edited by Dr. Maleeha Lodhi on Thursday, March 31, 2011.

Seminar: ASEAN-Pakistan future relations…..

ASEAN-Pakistan future relations: opportunities and challenges on Thursday April 07, 2011 with the collaboration of the Embassy of Republic of Indonedia.

Seminar: My life my country memoirs…..

Institute of Strategic Studies and Ferozsons Private Limited Pakistan is organizing a Seminar on "My life my country memoirs of a pakistani economist", authored...


PUBLIC TALK on "France's View of the Global Situation” on July 15, 2008.


IN HOUSE MEETING with Italian Scholars on June 04, 2008.


SEMINAR on "Pakistan & Global Nuclear Order" on June 10-11, 2010. (PARTICIPATION RESTRICTED).