In-House Briefing on “The State of Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia”


Brigadier (Retd.) Naeem Ahmad Salik, a distinguished academic and an expert of international standing on nuclear issues gave an In-House briefing to the researchers at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad on “The State of Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia” today.

Brigadier (Retd.) Naeem Ahmad Salik is currently Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Centre for International Strategic Studies (CISS), Islamabad and in the past had been Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs at the Strategic Plans Division.

Brigadier Salik said that deterrence is a dynamic and not a static concept. Pakistan needs to modernize and refine its deterrent to maintain its credibility and symmetry. It also has to take into cognisance emerging threats, arms build-up and evolution of new doctrines in the region. He replied to a number of questions from the researchers.