Press Release – 5th Think Tank Forum


Press Release
5th Think Tank Forum

Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad

The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized the 5th Think Tank Forum on September 9, 2020. The forum was attended by more than thirty seven think tanks situated in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Jamshoro. The Forum was also addressed by SAPM on National Security Division and Strategic Policy Planning, Dr. Moeed Yusuf.

Mr. Moeed Yusuf said that the government needed inputs by the Think Tank community on the issues of national interests and aspires to create co-ordinated and coherent narratives for Pakistan. He also pointed out the problems that Pakistan faces in getting its voice heard in the international community when it comes to the issues of terrorism, Indian aggression in the region, and other issues of hard security.  He stressed on synchronizing efforts on developing and projecting national narratives in an effective manner. He requested the Think Tanks to provide him with their critical and independent inputs on the government’s foreign and security policies.

In his introductory remarks, Director General ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry elaborated on the agenda of the Forum which included exchange of views on regional and global situation along with its  implications for Pakistan; role of think tanks in projecting Pakistan’s narratives; and advancing work on think tank portal. He emphasized that the contemporary world is being led by proactive and reactive narratives. Since every action, kinetic or non-kinetic, is perceived through the prism of narratives, he reiterated tha the Think Tank community in Pakistan should coordinate its work and synchronize its efforts.

Representatives of the Think Tanks agreed that given the emerging strategic competition at international level and realignments of the states, there is a pressing need to develop and coordinate efforts on building effective national narratives at all levels. The Think Tank community can play a crucial role in this regard.  

Chairman BOG ISSI, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood concluded the Forum with the recommendation that the Think Tank community should carry on its empirical research while providing implementable solutions to the government and bridge the gaps between academic world and policy circles.