Press Release
ACDC-ACDIS In-house Meeting
August 4, 2021
The Arms Control & Disarmament Centre (ACDC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) organised an in-house meeting with the Arms Control and Disarmament (ACDIS) Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Pakistan on August 4, 2021, at the ISSI. The delegation was headed by Mr Mohammad Kamran Akhtar, Director General, ACDIS.
Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director-General ISSI, led the ACDC team. Malik Qasim Mustafa, Director ACDC, moderated the meeting. He first briefed the delegation on the working of the ACDC and what the Centre had accomplished since its establishment on October 30, 2019. He also enlightened the delegation about the ACDC-ISSI Vision 2023. The ACDIS delegation appreciated the work of the Centre. The two sides identified areas of mutual collaboration for policy research and dialogue based on shared interests.