Press Release – “CSP Annual Advisory Board Meeting”


Press Release
Annual Advisory Board Meeting
Centre for Strategic Perspectives, Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad
March 15, 2022

The Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) held its annual Advisory Board meeting on March 15, 2022. Members of the board joined the meeting both physically and virtually. Those present on the occasion included: Ambassador Gheorghe Savuică; Dr. Khuram Iqbal; Dr. Salman Shah; Dr. Yulia Nikitina; Ambassador Akbar S. Ahmed; Ambassador Shafqat Kakakhel; Mr. Ali Tauqeer Sheikh; Lt. General Sikander Afzal (Retd); Mr. Husnain Mirza.

In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General, ISSI, apprised the board of the workings of the five centres of excellence at the ISSI that have contributed towards the aim of producing quality work, achieving synergy, focusing on the relevance of issue areas and narrative building. Ambassador Chaudhry said that the theme that ISSI is following for the year 2022 is “National Security – Expanding Horizons.

While giving the Performance Review of CSP, Dr. Neelum Nigar, Director CSP, briefed the board about the vision and functions of the Centre. She said that for year 2022, CSP is working on Pakistan’s economic and human security, and how it can leverage its Geo-economics keeping in mind the newly formulated National Security Policy.

This was followed by an interactive session, in which the members appreciated the work of CSP and gave valuable suggestions in order to improve the Centre’s research activities and outreach.