Press Release
In-House Meeting with HE Mohammad Ali Hosseini , Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan
3 December 2021

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) had an In-House Meeting with HE Mohammad Ali Hosseini , Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan.
His Excellency was received at the Institute by Director General ISSIAmbassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry and Director CAMEA, Ms. Amina Khan. Mr. Ehsan Khazaii, Cultural Consulate at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Hamaneh Karimikia, Head of Press section and Mr. Habib Baqir were also present on the occasion.
Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry gave a presentation on the activities of ISSI and highlighted how academic and research interaction between both sides is key to strengthening Pakistan-Iran bilateral relations.
Ambassador Hosseini expressed his desire to translate friendly sentiments into practical cooperation and coordination through increased research and dialogue.
Both sides pledged continued exchanges and collaboration in future.