Press Release – In-House Meeting with Mr. Ubaid Ur Rehman Nizamani, Pakistan’s Head of Mission in Afghanistan


Press Release
Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA)
Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad

In-House Meeting with Mr. Ubaid Ur Rehman Nizamani,
Pakistan’s Head of Mission in Afghanistan

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad held an In-House meeting with Mr. Ubaid Ur Rehman Nizamani, Pakistan’s Head of Mission in Afghanistan. The meeting was chaired by Ambassador Sohail Mahmood, Director General, ISSI. Ms. Amina Khan, Director CAMEA and members of the CAMEA research team participated.

During the meeting, the myriad dimensions of the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan-Afghanistan relations were discussed.

Ms. Amina Khan also apprised the Head of Mission of the various research and outreach activities undertaken by CAMEA relating to Afghanistan and the adjoining regions.