Press Release – “Islamabad Conclave 2022” Inaugural Plenary


Press Release
“Islamabad Conclave 2022”
Inaugural Plenary
December 7, 2022

Insecurity is a characteristic of a large state as they cannot be seen as weak or giving up ground which is a paradox in itself. India falls into this category as it aims to have a dominance in the region of South Asia,” stated Mr Javed Jabbar Former Senator and Federal Minister of Pakistan, who was the Chief Guest for the Plenary Session of Islamabad Conclave 2022.

While speaking at the occasion, Mr Jabbar said that Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), over the past five decades has produced quality research and contributed to national discourse both internally and externally. He further added that insecure state transmits this insecurity to its populace and then acts on it in an irrational manner. Pakistan over the past 75 years has been able to navigate the challenges to its national policy making reasonably well.

Mr Jabbar added that Pakistan had to become a security state after independence due to presence of hostile neighbours both at its Eastern and Western borders. The Pakistan military has played an important role in establishing a sense of internal security in the country, but unfortunately years of military rule has also caused insecurity in the country.

In the end Mr Jabbar said that over the past 75 years security policy of Pakistan tells a tale successes, failures, and survival. There are reforms that still need to be carried out to achieve all encompassing security in the country, but it will need concerted effort from all the stakeholders.

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General, ISSI, in his welcome remarks thanked the Chief Guest Mr Jabbar for opening the second Islamabad Conclave, which is a flagship event of ISSI. He stated that the idea of holding an annual Conclave germinated last year and this year the theme of the Conclave takes its cue from the recently introduced National Security Policy of Pakistan with focus on Economic and Human security of Pakistan.

Dr Talat Shabbir, Director, China Pakistan Study Centre, in his introductory remarks gave a briefing about the working of the Institute and the ambit of its activities. He also said that the Islamabad Conclave brings together practitioners from across the spectrum to talk about issues pertaining to different policy spheres of Pakistan and this year the theme of the Conclave pertains to “75 Years of Independence: Achieving Comprehensive National Security.”