Press Release – “Soft Launch – Centre for Strategic Perspectives”


Press Release

Soft Launch – Centre for Strategic Perspectives

The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad organized a soft launch of its fifth dedicated centre, the Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP), on September 14, 2020. The launch was attended by DG ISSI, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Chairman BOG, ISSI, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood and the research team.

Director CSP, Najam Rafique introduced the centre, its vision, research areas, functions and program of work over September-December 2020. The Centre is dedicated to research on major power competition, multilateralism, global political economy and non-traditional threats. The Centre has been establish out of the existing human and financial resources and no new budget or recruitment will be undertaken at this stage.

Team members of the Centre include: Sarah Akram (multilateralism); Mahrukh Khan (US); Ahmad Naeem Salik (Political economy & non-traditional threats); Ume Farwa and Taimur Khan (Europe-Russia). Aside from his other duties as Director Research and Editor, Najam Rafique has been nominated as Director CSP as well.