Press Release – Speech delivered at “20 Years of the SCO: from Regional Forum to Global Recognition” by Amb. Khalid Mahmood


Press Release

Excerpts from the Speech of Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman BoG ISSI, Delivered at“20 Years of the SCO: from Regional Forum to Global Recognition” organised by the Centre for Strategic Researches (CSR) under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, on August 20, 2021

Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman BoG, Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), participated in an international scientific and practical conference on “20 Years of the SCO: from Regional Forum to Global Recognition” held on August 20, 2021.

In his speech, Ambassador Mahmood said that since its establishment in 2001, the SCO has grown exponentially in terms of its membership, geographical remit, international stature, organisational character and efficiency. The Organisation has evolved to promote peace, stability and progress among its members through cooperating in the domains of security, politics as well as trade, culture,  tourism, education, environment and science and technology portfolios. However, the challenges remain. Relentless efforts are required by SCO member states to overcome the hurdles in the way.

He was of the view that the SCO member states have been quite successful in maintaining regional peace and security. However, he emphasised, there is a need to step up their cooperation on issues related to security, drug trafficking, counter-terrorism and bringing peace and stability in Afghanistan. 

He mentioned that Pakistan, as a member of SCO, has been promoting the “Shanghai Spirit” and its foreign policy goals are in complete harmony with the Charter of SCO. Islamabad is striving towards enhancing regional connectivity, peace and security, and nurturing cultural linkages with the member states. 

He reiterated that the Shanghai Spirit characterised by mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, cooperation, respect for diversified civilizations and common development is very much alive in the SCO.He urged all the member states to persevere the collective efforts to make SCO a strong international organisation to the mutual benefit of all of us. The conference was a part of ongoing celebrations of 20 years of SCO and all the member states participated in it. It was organised by the Centre for Strategic Researches under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.