Press Release – Visit of 10 Member delegation from KIIR


Press Release

Visit of 10 Member delegation from Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) to Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI)

A group of ten people led by Mr. Altaf Hussain Wani, Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR)  called on Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General, Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad today.

The group was briefed by Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry on the organization and research being carried out at the Institute. He highlighted the fact that it is ISSI’s priority to maintain quality research, develop synergy, stay relevant and to build narratives in the domain of research in international arena. In the second part of his talk, Ambassador Chaudhry emphasized on the fact that Kashmir is the core issue of Pakistan’s foreign policy. He also spoke about the politics of global regional dynamics impacting Pakistan in today’s contemporary environment. He stressed on the fact that  the creation of strategic narratives is at the core of modern strategic communication strategies in politics and even in warfare. India is building a false narratives by linking the freedom struggle of Kashmiris with that of terrorist movement after 9/11. Various political and legal options were discussed by Ambassador Chaudhry for the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India.

The briefing was later followed by an informal discussion with young researchers on other issues of concern. A number of questions were raised by the research team from KIIR regarding the Kashmir issue, prospects for regional peace, stability and prosperity. The young researchers were optimistic about the future of Pakistan-India relations. Both, the Director General and researchers emphasized the need to explore constructive solutions to bilateral challenges facing Pakistan and India.