Press Release
Visit of Youth Delegation from SASSI
August 16, 2021

China Pakistan Study Centre (CPSC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad hosted Youth Delegation from South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI), on August 25, 2021. The SASSI delegation was led by Dr. Maria Sultan, Director General SASSI.
Dr. Talat Shabbir, Director CPSC, welcome the delegation and gave a briefing on the functioning of the Institute. He highlighted aims and objectives; work of five Centers of Excellence; and activities of the Institute. He noted that “ISSI works to promote research, dialogue and provides policy input.” He also shed light on the institutional linkages of ISSI with national and international think-tanks.
Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry Director General ISSI delivered a talk on Pakistan’s foreign policy and regional outlook. He deliberated on key foreign policy trends influencing Pakistani foreign policy such as US-China competition, an aggressive India under Modi, navigating Saudi-Iran tensions, projecting Kashmir dispute, managing changes in Afghanistan, and responding to emerging non-traditional issues.
This was followed by an interactive session, where delegates raised pertinent questions about Pakistan’s foreign policy, regional and global issues.
In the end, Dr. Maria Sultan, DG-SASSI delivered a vote of thanks.