Press Release – Webinar on “Make in Pakistan: Pakistan’s New Industrial Policy”


Press Release

Webinar on
“Make in Pakistan: Pakistan’s New Industrial Policy”
September 9, 2021

The Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organised a webinar titled “Make in Pakistan: Pakistan’s New Industrial Policy,” on September 9, 2021. Dr Salman Shah, Advisor to CM Punjab, was the Keynote Speaker on the occasion. Other speakers for the webinar included Mr Humayun Akhtar Khan, Dr Usman W. Chohan, Ms Nazish Afraz and Dr Liaquat Ali Shah. Malik Qasim Mustafa, Director CSP/ACDC at the ISSI, moderated the Talk.

Mr Mustafa in his introductory remarks said that the manufacturing share in GDP is decreasing along with its share in Exports. This is due to many reasons like poor trade agreements. Make in Pakistan initiative is aimed to improve the situation.

Dr Shah in his keynote address said that the demographics of Pakistan could make it a production hub and a factory of the world. The working labour age needs to be fully utilised in production and industry. Furthermore, Pakistan is the fastest urbanising country in the world and clusters of manufacturing are forming around major cities in Pakistan, especially Punjab.

In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI, said that Make in Pakistan policy will affect the lives of all Pakistani’s and will likely improve it. The new industrial policy will increase employment. However, there are many obstacles in its way like attitude towards industrialists, facilitation of SEZs and lack of regulations.

Mr Khan said that Pakistan needs export diversification as it has low value-added products. To move towards new industrial policy a commitment of the top leadership and long-term vision. Pakistan’s focus should be on industries of exports, with increasing levels of technology and value addition.

Dr Chohan in his remarks said that in Pakistan the role of manufacturing has declined and the rate of growth lags far behind neighbours. Pakistan is deindustrialising prematurely and not integrated well into global value chains. If a strong industrial policy is implemented a strong industrial base will help, ensure national economic sovereignty.

Ms Afraz said that the Make in Pakistan policy needs a concrete formulation at the policy level. Value-added production is necessary for the industrial growth of Pakistan. Also, the types of incentives given to the industry will determine the objectives it will achieve.

In his concluding remarks Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman BoG, ISSI, said that focus should be given to environmentally friendly policies in manufacturing and emerging technologies should be looked at to improve exports.