Report – Bilateral Dialogue “ISSI-IPIS”


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and Institute for Political and International Studies, Iran held their Annual Dialogue on bilateral and regional issues. The dialogue was divided into three sessions. The distinguished speakers included Dr. Hossein Ebrahim Khani, Senior Research Fellow, IPIS; Ambassador Riffat Masood, Former Ambassador of Pakistan to Iran;  Dr. Saeed Ghaderi, Senior Research Fellow, IPIS; Ms. Amina Khan, Director, Center for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA), ISSI;  Dr. Mohsen Roohisefat, Senior Research Fellow, IPIS and Dr. Talat Shabbir, Director China Pakistan Study Center (CPSC), ISSI, and was moderated by Ms. Amina Khan, Director CAMEA. 

During his welcome remarks, Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI said that Pakistan and Iran share close cultural and religious ties and have always resolved any bilateral issues in a conducive environment. He also said that there is a mutual benefit in coordinating with each other since events in Afghanistan have a direct impact on both the countries. 

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Sheikholeslami, President, IPIS stated that there is a greater need for  global concerted efforts to promote multiculturalism. Pakistan and Iran share a common regional destiny. The contemporary situation in Afghanistan is very concerning especially with regard to terrorist activities. He also pointed to how ‘Zionist’ attempts had created instability in the Persian Gulf region and that all regional states should work closely together to create a new security architecture.  He also said that by working closely together, both Iran and Pakistan can champion shared goals and help counter any  regional instability.

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