Issue Brief on “Analysing the Fourth Annual U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue”



On April 11, 2022, the External Affairs Minister and Defence Minister of India met with the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense of the United States (U.S.)  for the Fourth U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue, in Washington D.C.[2] The timing of this meeting is very crucial as it took place at the time of the Russia-Ukraine conflict that is overshadowing the U.S.-India relations. The U.S. reportedly weighed in on India to condemn and criticize the Russian invasion of Ukraine and to immediately cease Moscow’s Special Military Operation.[3] However, perhaps due to geopolitical reasons on March 18, 2022, the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made the following statement to a question regarding India’s oil purchase from Russia:

“We have been in touch, of course, with Indian leaders at a range of levels, not through the President… we made a decision about banning the Russian import of oil, every country has not made that decision, and we recognize that.”[4]

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