Report: In-House meeting on “Bangladesh Media Delegation”


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted an In-house Meeting with a 7-member Bangladesh Media Delegation on March 22, 2017. The delegation included  Mr. Badrul Ahsan, Associate Editor Daily Observer; Mr. Abu Jar M. Akkas, Deputy Editor, New Age;  Barrister Sarwar Hossein, Member G-9 Think Tank; Dr. Mohammad Jasimuddin, Senior Research Fellow, BIISS; Mr. Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan, Senior Diplomatic  Correspondent, The Independent and Ms. Mehmuda Habiba, Member G-9 Think Tank.

Welcoming the delegation, Chairman ISSI Ambassador Khalid Mahmood recounted the deep association that the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh have with each other. He commended the patriotic spirit always displayed by the people of Bangladesh and stated that Pakistanis always receive their Bengali brothers with open arms. He went on to say that currently, the world is in a great flux and turbulence is all around us. Asia has become, more or less, an epicenter of all instability and that it is a pity that after such a long time the situation has only worsened instead of getting any better. Pakistan is making all efforts to have a peaceful neighborhood, and it is trying to promote an Afghan-led reconciliation and counter the menace of terrorism.

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