Strategic Studies

Kashmir: The Challenges to non-voilent Movement Ershad Mahmud
Emerging tendencies of radicalization in Pakistan: a proposed counter-radicalization strategy Khurshid Khan & Afifa Kiran
Intra-Kashmir dialogue: need for consensus Dr. Shaheen Akhtar
Is the USA a declining power? Mansur Khan
Concept of national power Azhar Ahmad
IPI pipeline and its implications on Pakistan Aleena Khan
An appreciation of the Pakistani military thought process Tughral Yamin
Nuclear confidence-building measures and peace making in South Asia Sitara Noor
Evolution of national security structures in Pakistan Nasir Hafeez
Post-independence South Sudan: an era of hope and challenges Nadia Sarwar
Safety and security concerns and peaceful nuclear energy: feasibility for Pakistan Sumaira Nasir Durrani
Jihad: conflict-resolution or its antithesis? Aqab M. Malik
New US nuclear doctrine in view of global security environment: implications for Pakistan Ghazala Nayyar