Issue Brief on “Indian Access to Chabahar and Duqm: Challenges for Pakistan”


In a series of visits to the Middle Eastern countries, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has managed to strike strategic deals that will have a long lasting impact on the region.

One of these deals includes the Indian control of Iranian Shahid Beheshti port — phase one of Chabahar Port. The port, an $85 million project completed with the help of India, and just 90km from Gwadar Port, creates a transit route between India, Iran and Afghanistan, bypassing Pakistan. According to this deal, New Delhi will have operational control of a part of this strategically located Iranian port on the Gulf of Oman for 18 months. It is also reported that the Indians plan to overhaul the port facilities of this section.[1] As per the original agreement of 2016, India is to equip and operate two berths in Chabahar Port Phase-I with capital investment of $85.21 million and annual revenue expenditure of $22.95 million on a 10-year lease[2].

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