Report – Roundtable with Dr. Werner Fassalabend


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a round-table on March 26, 2019, with a 3-member Austrian delegation of scholars led by Dr. Werner Fassalabend, former Austrian Defense Minister and currently President of Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES). He was accompanied by Brig. Gen. Dr. Walter Feichtinger, Director, Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management (IPSCM) and Mr. Peter Haider, President, Universal Peace Foundation (UPF), Austrian Chapter, Vienna. The agenda for the roundtable was based on how the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir Dispute is an international obligation.

Participants at the roundtable included: Honourable Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan, Honourable Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan; Ambassador (Retd) Arif Kamal; Dr. Rukhsana Qamber, President, Institute of Regional Studies (IRS); Mr. Shahras Asim, Director Kashmir, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Senator Lt. Gen. Abdul Qayyum (Retd.), Mr. Hamza Iftikhar, Mr. Malik Asif Tanveer, Ms. Tahira Abdullah, Mr, Raja Najabat Hussain, Dr. Afsar Rathor, Mr. Ershad Mahmud, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Ms. Farzana Yaqoob, Ms. Marium Nazir.

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