Tuesday Dialogue on “Managing Relations with India – From Post -Pulwama to Lok Sabha Elections”


Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a roundtable under its Tuesday Dialogue series on March 26, 2019 on “Managing Relations with India – From Post-Pulwama to Lok Sabha Elections“. Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry, Director General, ISSI moderated the discussion which was held under Chatham House rules.

The participants at the roundtable were of the opinion that Modi’s propagation of a “new normal” as a policy towards Pakistan has been negated by the effective response from Pakistan to the Indian air and sea incursions inside Pakistan. The participants were unanimous in their assessment that while space for sub-conventional and hybrid warfare cannot be ruled out, Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence has remained intact and effectively prevented India from any further misadventure beyond air violations across the international border. Various scenarios were also discussed with regard to re-election of Modi.

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