Issue Brief on “Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Address to The UNGA 2020: Some Reflections”


The United Nations has entered the 75th year of its existence in 2020 and just as the UNGA 2020 starts with a theme emphasizing inclusiveness and multilateralism, it is a reminder of the building blocks on whose foundation the UN now stands in all its grandeur. This year, the 75th Session of the UNGA is taking place virtually due to the COVID 19 pandemic, unprecedented in the history of the UN. The theme for UNGA 2020 is “The future we want, the United Nations we need; reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism.”

Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan addressed the UNGA 2020 shedding light on the issues and challenges that confront the world today, and emphasized on the solutions to the current problems. The Prime Minister focused on several pertinent issues in his address. He reminded the General Assembly of the true purpose of this forum and identified how the departure from the actual and true purpose has been detrimental in leading the global body away from its goals. Laying bare the current challenges that confront the world, PM Khan stated that the world has seen an uptake in new trends like nationalism, Islamophobia, unilateralist tendencies, violation of sovereign equalities, undermining of international cooperation, the flouting of international agreements and illegal annexations.

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