Press Release – “ISSI – SIIS Webinar on China-Pakistan Relations in Changing Geopolitical Environment and Its Role in Regional Security and Stability”


Press Release

ISSI – SIIS Webinar on China-Pakistan Relations in Changing Geopolitical Environment and Its Role in Regional Security and Stability
September 27, 2021

Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) and Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) organized a joint webinar titled “China-Pakistan Relations in Changing Geopolitical Environment and Its Role in Regional Security and Stability” on September 27, 2021. Dr. Moeed Yusuf, National Security Advisor sent a special message, while Ambassador Asim Iftikhar, Additional Secretary (Asia-Pacific) delivered a keynote address and Ambassador Liu Jinsong, Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China made a special address.

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, DG-ISSI in his opening remarks said that despite changes in global politics, Pakistan and China have stood firmly with each other and their cooperation is deepening on daily basis.

Meanwhile, Prof. Chen Dongxiao, President of SIIS, stated that the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations offer both countries an opportunity to deepen people-to-people connectivity, enhance economic ties, and jointly advocate for regional stability.

Dr. Moeed Yusuf, National Security Advisor, said that Pakistan’s geostrategic location provides it with three opportunities i.e., connectivity through CPEC; development partnerships with other countries; and peace within Pakistan and good relations with neighbours. He remarked that Pakistan looks towards China for realising goal of regional connectivity.

Ambassador Asim Iftikhar, Additional Secretary (Asia-Pacific) stated that there is a strong support and clarity at the leadership level between Pakistan and China on major issues of mutual interest, regional and international organizations.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Liu Jinsong, Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, called for building a community of shared future and abandoning small circles. He said that Pakistan and China have developed deep mutual trust, and need to further strengthen China-Pakistan strategic cooperation by ensuring safe and smooth construction of CPEC at full stretch.

Earlier, in his welcome remarks, Dr. Talat Shabbir, Director CPSC, said that with changed regional dynamics, particularly Afghan issue, an opportunity has arisen to deepen strategic communication and strategic coordination between our two countries for regional peace and stability.

These remarks were followed by a working session, where speakers analysed China-Pakistan relations in changing geopolitical environment and exchanged views on regional security, particularly, Afghanistan issue and peace and security in Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean. In the end, speakers explored avenues for enhancing Pakistan-China cooperation on regional security and stability.

The participants included: Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman ISSI Board of Governors; Ambassador Zhang Chunxiang, former Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan; Lt. General (Retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi, former Defence Secretary; Senior Col (Retd) Zhou Bo, former Director of the Centre for Security Cooperation in the Office for International Military Cooperation, Chinee Ministry of National Defense ; Mr. Mustafa Hyder Sayed, Executive Director Pakistan-China Institute; and Dr. Liu Zongyi, Secretary General of South Asia and China Center at SIIS.