PRESS RELEASE – Seminar on “Commemorating the Black Day: India’s Plunder of Jammu and Kashmir”



Commemorating the Black Day: India’s Plunder of Jammu and Kashmir

The India Study Centre (ISC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) in collaboration with National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad organized the Seminar on Commemorating the Black Day: India’s Plunder of Jammu and Kashmir onOctober 27, 2021, at ISSI.

The welcome remarks were given by Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI, who stated that we commemorate October 27, every year that has brought innumerable miseries to the Kashmiris. Unfortunately, the three generations of Kashmiris have been suffering at the hands of Indian atrocities. Though India has violated the United Nations Security Resolution nevertheless, the International community is silent on the Indian genocide of Kashmiris. August 05, 2019, India once again annexed and colonized Kashmir. It is a matter of grave concern that Indian atrocities in Kashmir have not been questioned by the International community. The courage and resilience of the people of Kashmir should be acknowledged that they kept the freedom movement alive DG, ISSI added.     

Earlier in his remarks Dr. Saif Malik, Director ISC said that though every day in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, bring miseries in the lives of innocent Kashmiris 27th October is observed and remembered when India on the same day in 1947, contrary to the aspirations of Kashmiris and against the International norms, landed its troops in Srinagar. From that day onward perpetual move of ethnic cleansing, through brutal tactics yet unending. Being the “oldest and unresolved international conflict,” the Kashmir dispute presents a formidable challenge to regional as well as global peace and security, in addition to being a huge question mark viz- a -viz the effectiveness, sincerity and efficacy of the United Nations.

Speaking on the topic Mr Ahmed Qureshi, Executive Director YFK-International Kashmir Lobby Group (Kashmir Dispute and the Role of International Community and Media) maintained that there has been a global shift in Kashmir conflict. There has been constant change in perspectives of the world on Kashmir cause. Now the international community sees Kashmir cause in a different paradigm, the emerging shift goes in Kashmir’s favour. He further added that now even if Pakistan stops speaking on Kashmir there is so much archive present globally on Kashmir issue which is a great achievement for Pakistan. Pakistan has to capitalize on the global shift in Kashmir cause, Qureshi added.   

Dr. Asma Shakir Khawaja, HOD Department of Strategic Studies, NDU (Legal and Security Implications of the 5 August 2019 Annexation of Jammu & Kashmir by India) while shedding light on Article 370 and 35-A said that Pakistan never expected Article 370 and 35-A could be revoked by India. Currently, there are many human rights violations happening in Kashmir and Kashmiri students are considered traitors or Pakistanis. The revocation of articles 370 and 35-A also violated the Shimla agreement signed between India and Pakistan in 1972. She said that Kashmir is a dangerous place for journalists and freedom of speech has been suppressed by the Modi regime in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Indian democracy has been turned into fascist democracy of the world violating human rights. She further reiterated that the Indian army uses chemical weapons and burning down houses of Kashmiris which is totally against human rights.

Maj Gen Dr Raza Muhammad, HI (M), (Retd), Advisor to President NDU (Kashmir Dispute: Strategic Dimensions and Challenges Ahead) while expressing his views said that Kashmir was his first posting therefore Kashmir runs in his blood. Kashmir was heaven but now it has been turned into hell. The world has woken up we should not miss the prevailing momentum. Talking about Indian growing military expenditure he revealed that India sets US50 billion dollars for arms sale and purchasing arms from the US, UK, Russia and Israel. Pakistan has done a lot for Kashmiris but we are handicapped in many issues but this doesn’t stop us, Pakistan has a potential and the world is responding to our narrative.  

General Ehsan ul Haq, NI (M), (Retd) Chief Guest of theeventthanked ISC, ISSI and NDU for commemorating the Kashmir back day and said that India has been in the state of denial to accept Kashmir freedom. Kashmiris have been fighting for an identity that cannot be quelled by India. Indian occupation of Kashmir on October 27, 1947, was non-compliance with UN resolution. The conflict of Kashmir has shifted from unilateral to multilateral conflict. China’s embroilment in conflict with India in Ladakh has added complexities for India. Though India has granted  scholarships to the students of Kashmir to study in India, students after getting higher education from India are more resilient and are on the frontline in the freedom movement. The BJP boons are targeting the students of Kashmir. The youth of Kashmir are more educated and well aware of international politics creating a great deal of hardship for India. In the endGeneral Ehsan ul Haq gave the way forward as far as Kashmir cause is concerned and said that Pakistan needs strategic pursuance and we ought not to be distracted and we need to look at smart options by engaging the new generation. Pakistan has to cement its economic and political stability, he added.            

In last, the event was attended by people from different walks of life. The event was concluded with the resolve that Pakistan will stand firm with the Kashmiri people in their just fight for their right to self-determination.