Press Release – In-House with Dr Hassan Abbas, Distinguished Professor of International Relations at the Near East South Asia Strategic Studies Centre (NESA)


Press Release
In-House with Dr Hassan Abbas, Distinguished Professor of International Relations at the Near East South Asia Strategic Studies Centre (NESA)

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Afghanistan ( CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) had an   In-House meeting with Dr Hassan Abbas, Distinguished Professor of International Relations at the Near East South Asia Strategic Studies Centre (NESA), National Defense University, Washington DC on his upcoming book ‘The Return of the Taliban’.

The distinguished guests included Ambassador Abrar Hussai, Ambassador Naela Chohan, Lt. General Sabahat Hussain, Dr Simbal Khan, Dr Qamar Cheema , Ambassador Aziz Ahmad Khan, Ambassador Riffat Masood, Dr . Salma Malik, Mr Oves Anwar and Mr Hamayun Khan. Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Director General ISSI and Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman ISSI also participated in the discussion while Ms Amina Khan, Director CAMEA,  delivered the introductory remarks.