Issue Brief on “AI in Cybersecurity: Navigating the Dual-Edged Sword of Technological Advancement and Emerging Threats”


Traditional weapon systems are revolutionizing as the world rapidly shifts towards emerging technology. Surveillance and combat methodology is evolving rapidly, this significant change is due to technological advancements. Such advancements include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS), advanced nuclear weapons, direct energy weapons, and cyber warfare. AI evolution and development are most prominent in the 20th century, with the most composite and varied domains. The ultimate motive of AI is to carry out complex tasks and mimic typical human behavior and outcomes. The wide array of concepts and theories to comprehend human intelligence are created and developed by it.[1] For the time being, numerous industries and organizations are developing and revolutionizing their systems by using AI. The most prominent and effective application of AI is “Cyber Security” which can identify threats, and ensure better vulnerability management, and security.[2] Cyber security is considered one of the vital beneficiaries of AI. Considering AI applications, it is noted that there is a contradiction with both its positive and negative implications. Its integration into everyday life, and its applications in areas such as businesses, healthcare, and cyber security can be considered as positive sides of AI. However, its darker sides are revealed when it is used for security breaches and evil purposes.[3] Moreover, advancements in AI can enhance modern warfare capabilities such as detection and response to threats, predictive analysis, and other related functions.[4]

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