Fellowship Programme at ISS


The Institute of Strategic Studies announces a Fellowship Programme  with the collaboration of Hanns Seidal Foundation for distinguished scholars in academia, armed forces, foreign and civil services.  The programme intends to encourage and promote innovative and fresh studies to address contemporary issues and challenges to national security of Pakistan. The research proposal is expected to encapsulate both classical and contemporary theoretical literature and empirical research base, with various aspects of security issues of Pakistan in view. Our focal region of research would be South Asia 2014 and beyond, bilateral relations and regional cooperation. Any proposition with long-term engagement of the candidate on the subject and having both theoretical and empirical research base is the requisite.

There shall be two Fellowships awarded for each quarter commencing from January 1, 2014 for Spring session (January-March). The research work will be published in the Strategic Studies journal after its peer review and completion. (Read More)