1. | India making Bay of Bengal into a nuclear Launchpad
https://asiatimes.com/2024/06/india-making-bay-of-bengal-into-a-nuclear-launchpad/ |
2. | Iran’s near-bomb-grade uranium stock grows |
3. | Starmer says he is prepared to use nuclear weapons |
4. | Russia asks US to spell out nuclear deployment plans
https://www.dawn.com/news/1837043/russia-asks-us-to-spell-out-nuclear-deployment-plans |
5. | North Korea says 18-missile salvo was warning to South |
6. | South Korea suspends military pact with North over balloon barrage |
7. | Japan, South Korea move past radar row to improve defense ties |
8. | US, South Korea and Japan agree to hold joint military exercises |
9. | US has no plans to forward-deploy nuclear arms to Korean Peninsula: State Dept.
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/06/205_375698.html |
10. | Korea to push for reusable space rocket development, L4 exploration: KASA
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/06/205_375692.html |
11. | China lands on moon’s far side in historic sample-retrieval mission
https://www.dawn.com/news/1837462/china-lands-on-moons-far-side-in-historic-sample-retrieval-mission |
12. | Peru and Slovakia sign the Artemis Accords for peaceful moon exploration |