How to Remove Misperceptions Surrounding the CPEC?


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a full spectrum mega-project to transform the economic landscape of Pakistan. The project is not any province-specific; rather it encompasses every part of the Federation including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

Under the CPEC no part of the Federation will be neglected. The CPEC comprehensively includes parts of the federating units to ensure across the board development to lift the economy to commensurate with the needs of the 21st century.  Employment generated through the CPEC would open up opportunities for all federating units. Labour, professionals, and businessmen alike would reap the benefits of the progress that would be guaranteed by this project.

Mass employment opportunities whenever are created, bring enormous competition and generate apprehensions about possible exploitations and injustices. At present, the CPEC is suffering from this symptom of mistrust about development on equal footing for all federating units on the basis of equal opportunities. Mercifully, the degree of mistrust is low and manageable because all political parties realise this vital importance of the CPEC for Pakistan.

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