Pakistan is situated with the highest disaster risk levels in the world. In 2019, Pakistan ranked 18 out of 191 countries on the Inform Risk Index. Since 2010, Pakistan has been facing severe floods due to manmade and natural climates. Continuous flooding has a devastating effect on infrastructure, agriculture, and human lives. Nonetheless, agriculture is the main source of revenue and livelihood for most of the people living in flood-affected areas. According to the official estimates, over 18 million people have been affected by the deluge; over 11000 villages and 1.74 million homes have been destroyed or damaged.[1]
The current flash flood and monsoon rain have affected one-third of the total population. More specifically, about 1300 deaths, 3554 injured, houses destroyed 1, 0573 livestock, 730,438 and two million crops were impacted, and people were directly affected; 218 thousand houses were damaged. The United Nations and the Pakistani government have issued a flash appeal for $160 million to help the country cope with catastrophic floods. Sources said this figure would reach Rs1.30 trillion in total and was expected to further rise.[2]