Issue brief on “Pakistan: A Global Turnaround Story”


Some of the critical issues like terrorism, political instability and low economic profile clouded the prospects of progress for Pakistan. But Pakistan, despite being portrayed in international media as a poor country brand, has undergone many positive changes. It has been striving hard to fight against the menace of terrorism, improve its economic profile and bring political stability. These efforts seem to be bearing fruit as MSCI, leading provider of international investment decision support tools, has reclassified its Pakistan index as an emerging economy. The current level of development and upward trajectory of Pakistan’s economy are similiar to the beginnings of the most emerging economies of the world. Brazil, Indonesia and Colombia are such examples. In Pakistan, there have been a number of success stories of global networks, entrepreneurship and technology. To fully realize its potential as a twenty-first century economy and a global turnaround story, Pakistan needs to focus on a three-E policy initiatives- energy, economy and education.

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