Issue Brief on “Pakistan-EU: Increasing Cooperation in Energy Sector”


Pakistan and European Union have recently agreed to enhance cooperation in the energy sector to increase energy efficiency and conservation. Pakistan enjoys cordial and long standing bilateral ties with the European Union and after attaining the GSP plus status; cooperation in the energy sector would further boost Pakistan-EU relations.

The understanding was reached in a meeting between Federal Minister for Power Division Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari and EU Ambassador Jean-Francois Cautain earlier in February 2018.[1] The power division has decided to send a high-level delegation comprising government officials and private-sector experts to the EU for participation in a workshop with European experts and professionals. It was agreed that the European Investment Bank would be invited to the workshop in order to explore different options relating to financing energy projects in Pakistan.[2] The envoy said that the European Investment Bank is keenly observing the fast growing power sector of Pakistan and would be considering assisting Pakistan in running solar powered tubewells in Baluchistan province.[3] The EU is already working on numerous renewable energy projects in Pakistan, especially in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

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