Issue Brief on “The Migration Crises: UN Responses”


The rise in global conflicts has resulted in burgeoning migration crises which requires effective and long lasting solutions and measures to deal with the issue.  The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres in his report released in December 2017 has highlighted the most important aspects of the issue of migration. The report titled, Making Migration Work for All is a realistic assessment of the challenge of migration and looks at the way forward to deal with the issue of migration over the coming years, so that countries affected can come forward and cooperate in order to deal with the challenges of migration.

The report recognizes the need to address the factors that force people to leave their homes in search of safer, better lives. Strong emphasis is rightly placed on whole of government and whole of society approaches at the local, national, regional and global levels, with genuine partnerships not only between governments, but also with employers, unions, civil society entities and migrants themselves, amongst others, to manage migration. The report also takes note of the fact that most of the world’s 258 million international migrants already move through safe, orderly and regular means, and that they bring significant benefits to their destination and origin countries.[1]

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