Issue Brief on “Trump: Breaking the Logjam on the Kashmir Dispute”


Since the Indo-Pak partition, the political status of the state of Kashmir has been contested by both Pakistan and India and it still remains disputed. The recent surge in the Kashmiri youth and frequent shelling at the Line of Control is perturbing not only for the region, but also for the international community as the two nuclear states has already fought two major wars including numerous border skirmishes and military standoffs. The US is in a position to influence both India and Pakistan. It has strong bilateral ties with both the countries and its recent apparent eagerness to mediate a peaceful solution on the Kashmir dispute is a breath of fresh air.

The US in the past, has time and again voiced its concerns regarding the Kashmir dispute, yet chose to stay out of it as a mediator, calling it India’s internal issue. It maintained the narrative that the pace, scope and character of India-Pakistan dialogue on Kashmir is for those two countries to determine.[1] However, with the new Trump administration in office, the US involvement in this regard seems to be taking a new turn.

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