Issue Brief on “US Elections 2020 and The Future Trajectory of its Foreign Policy”


In his first four years in the office, President Trump returned to classic isolationist policies under his ‘America First’ ideology. His policies dismantled essential elements of globalization as he stepped back from many international agreements including the Paris Climate Change, the Iranian Nuclear Deal, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as well as banning an entire faith from entering in the US.

At the national front, US witnessed deep homespun problems like the black lives matter campaign, increased racial profiling, Islamophobia, and healthcare problems as well as the distorted response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Trump’s policies of abandonment have put a question mark on America’s global leadership role and have made way for other powers such as China and Russia to take prominence internationally. His policies have created an image of a fortressed America with strict refugee laws, Muslim ban, and a cold-war like posturing against China.

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