Press Release – Signed an MOU with “Coordination and Methodological Center on the Contemporary History of Uzbekistan”


Press Release

Centre for Afghanistan Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at ISSI and  Coordination and Methodological Center on the Contemporary History of Uzbekistan under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CMCCHU)  signed an MOU
 March 29, 2022

Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East and Africa (CAMEA) at ISSI represented by its Director, Ms Amina Khan and the Coordination and Methodological Center on the Contemporary History of Uzbekistan CMCCHU under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan represented by its Senior Research Fellow Dr. Vladimir Paramonov signed an MOU on March 29, 2022. Cooperation between the two organizations concerns establishment and promotion of regular relationships in academic and research fields in an institutionalized framework. Director General Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI) Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry welcomed the signing of this MoU as a constructive and useful collaboration between CAMEA and CMCCHU.

Ambassador Chaudhry briefed him on the working of the Institute and extended his commendation to both centers and hoped that this association would produce quality research and dialogue for mutual benefit.

Dr. Vladimir Senior said that the entire team at CMCCHU looks forward to a fruitful partnership with both CAMEA and the Institute as a whole. He thanked Director CAMEA, Ms Amina Khan for her enthusiasm and drive as this cooperation between the two organizations has already begun.

Ms Amina Khan, Director, CAMEA also spoke at the occasion emphasizing the need for shared responsibility, research and discourse to resolve the various issues that we all face. She hoped that this collaboration would benefit both sides for better understanding of both    Afghanistan,  Middle East and African region and that this would prove to be a long and fruitful partnership.